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Realizing the Value of AI in MedTech in Asia Pacific

Realizing the Value of AI in MedTech in Asia Pacific

The Asia Pacific MedTech sector is on the cusp of a transformative period, where integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a crucial strategic priority.

In the coming decade, AI is expected to drive significant advancements in medical technology, fundamentally revolutionizing patient care and operational processes. Technologies such as AI-powered diagnostics, personalized treatments, and automation will enhance healthcare delivery and efficiency, addressing the increasing needs of an ageing population and the growing prevalence of chronic diseases.

Despite the numerous opportunities for growth, the industry faces substantial challenges, including limited healthcare infrastructure, low healthcare spending, and disparities in access to healthcare. The Asia Pacific MedTech industry has a critical role to play in addressing these challenges and empowering transformation in form of intelligent healthcare using AI. The MedTech ecosystem can set new industry standards, influence AI regulation and policy formation, and build strong consumer trust.

This whitepaper, developed collaboratively by APACMed and KPMG, draws on global practices and extensive stakeholder consultations across six Asia-Pacific markets. It introduces the A-C-T (Access – Capability – Trust) framework to categorize levers by which the MedTech industry, working hand-in-hand with governments and others in the ecosystem, can address challenges in areas such as regulation, ethics, talent, infrastructure and data, cost, and socio-economic disparities.

Insights and considerations from this whitepaper have been formulated based on a secondary review of publications, whitepapers, and other literature (available at the time when the whitepaper was developed). This was complemented with a series of diverse, qualitative stakeholder consultations, including from industry, policymakers, regulators, payors, academia, and other associations.

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