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DUKE-NUS MEDICAL SCHOOL: Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) announces partnership with Duke-NUS Medical School’s Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE), pledging joint commitment to promote regulatory convergence and capacity building across the region

DUKE-NUS MEDICAL SCHOOL: Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) announces partnership with Duke-NUS Medical School’s Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE), pledging joint commitment to promote regulatory convergence and capacity building across the region

SINGAPORE, 12 July 2017 – The Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed), the only regional trade body for the medical devices, equipment and in vitro diagnostics industry, today announced it is joining forces with Duke-NUS Medical School’s Centre of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE), the first dedicated Asian Centre targeted at the needs of medical device and pharmaceutical companies, national health regulators, and the biomedical industry, to promote regulatory innovation across the Asia Pacific.

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