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Advancing Patient Access to Next-Generation Sequencing for Cancer in APAC: Key considerations and a value assessment framework  

Advancing Patient Access to Next-Generation Sequencing for Cancer in APAC: Key considerations and a value assessment framework  

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) has emerged as a potential game-changer in cancer care, as the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region continues to witness increasing burden of cancer, imposing clinical, societal, and economic burden.

In particular, NGS enables the delivery of personalised cancer care through tumour profiling, and multiple studies in APAC have shown the real-world impact on improving patient outcomes through shortening time to results, identifying more patients for matched therapies and clinical trials and decreasing diagnosis costs compared to current practice.

Building on the efforts of APACMed’s previous publication “Unlocking the Value of Quality Next-Generation Sequencing in APAC”, this paper presents an overview of the status of access to NGS-based cancer care in APAC and actions required to improve access, including a first-of-its-kind value assessment framework for NGS tailored to the regional context.

Find out more by reading our paper.


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