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Be Part of the Asia Pacific MedTech Forum 2024

Bio Spectrum Asia APACMed is proactively addressing the challenges related to integrating AI in medical technologies

Bio Spectrum Asia APACMed is proactively addressing the challenges related to integrating AI in medical technologies

The healthcare landscape in Asia Pacific (APAC) region is rapidly evolving, demanding innovative solutions for the future. And Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds the potential to unlock new opportunities to enhance patient care and optimise healthcare outcomes. To place a spotlight on AI and its transformative potential fuelling a more intelligent healthcare system, Asia Pacific MedTech Forum 2024, with the theme, THE DEC-AI-DE OF INTELLIGENT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS’ is all set to be held from 5-6 September in Singapore. BioSpectrum spoke to Harjit Gill, Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) in detail to find out more details about the upcoming event, and current initiatives being taken by APACMed to strengthen the medtech sector.

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