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Be Part of the Asia Pacific MedTech Forum 2024


Sep 14 2023

ASEAN Medical Device Conference Public-Private Forum

The ASEAN Medical Device Conference is an annual event held by the ASEAN Medical Device Committee to bring together ASEAN member state regulators together for a 3-day conference in Brunei. The final day of the conference is set aside for a Public-Private Forum (PPF) for industry stakeholders to conduct training, and learn about the ASEAN country regulatory updates and hold discussion on key topics that are important for the industry.

APACMed will be organising the PPF this year, a first after a 3-year hiatus due to COVID-19. This is a great opportunity for APACMed members to join the session to learn more about the regulatory landscape in ASEAN.

To register for this event, please email Devya or Cindy from our Regulatory Affairs team.


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