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Be Part of the Asia Pacific MedTech Forum 2024



A message from our CEO

Dear APACMed Members,

As an Association shaping the future of healthcare in Asia Pacific, APACMed has been closely monitoring news and reports of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreaks.

The public health situation is rapidly changing globally and APACMed urges its members to adopt the precautionary measures as advised by the World Health Organization and their local health authorities and ministries for the safety of their colleagues, employees, customers and guests.

Since news of the outbreak reaching critical levels was released, APACMed has been implementing precautionary measures to limit the spread of the virus. These measures include the conducting of our Annual General Meeting, white paper launches and other events through videoconferencing means, the planning for webinars instead of in-person workshops, and the limiting the APACMed Secretariat to essential work travels only.

APACMed remains committed to being the unifying voice for the MedTech industry in Asia Pacific, and in its support given to member companies with their business objectives. In addition to the listing of several sources of information you may wish to refer to and bookmark, APACMed is planning initiatives to equip our members to better tackle the potential impact COVID-19 will have on their businesses.

As key players in the healthcare industry, it is important that we all do our part to contribute to maintaining and improving the standards of care for patients, even in these unsettling times. Thank you.


Harjit Gill
Chief Executive Officer, APACMed

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