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Be Part of the Asia Pacific MedTech Forum 2024

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Who We Are

The Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed) represents manufacturers and suppliers of medical equipment, devices and in-vitro diagnostics, industry associations and other key stakeholders associated with the medical technology industry in Asia Pacific. As a trade association, our mission is to improve the standards of care for patients through innovative collaborations among stakeholders to jointly shape the future of healthcare in Asia Pacific.

We Are APACMed

We provide a unifying voice for the medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics industry in Asia Pacific. Founded in 2014, APACMed strives to promote innovation and impact policy that advances healthcare access for patients.


We strive to improve access to high quality healthcare for patients, by working in close collaboration with regulators, policymakers, healthcare providers, payers and patients to develop policies and put forward recommendations that ensure optimal care pathways for patients, from diagnosis to treatment.


We support innovative new technologies and start-ups that improve the quality of care and healthcare outcomes.

Building strategic partnerships and collaborations shaping the future of healthcare across the region.


Build harmonized regulatory standards, capabilities and systems


Strategic partnerships that contribute to shaping strategic healthcare ecosystem initiatives such as Digital Health and HCP competency building and skills development


Partner with local associations to add additional regional voice to advocacy activities and sharing of expertise and best practices

Message from our CEO

Dear APACMed Members and Friends,

Welcome, we hope you will benefit from the many events and articles we have made available on our website.

Since its formation in 2014, APACMed has grown from strength to strength – we now have over 300 MedTech organisations and manufacturers from across the Asia Pacific region as our members, and a network of established partnerships with key regional bodies, health ministry officials, academic institutions, and research organisations.

At APACMed, we remain committed to working together to ensure improved patient outcomes and high-quality care. Our strength continues to lie with our core functional committee teams who converge to influence and impact their specific domains. I encourage you to access some of the great content created by these teams, available in the resource section.

2024 is shaping up to be a pivotal year for the Medical Technology industry, it is a time of great opportunity where we can significantly contribute to the strengthening of the region’s healthcare infrastructure and delivery of care for the future. The world needs to work together to grow a more robust and adaptive healthcare ecosystem and this calls for greater collaboration between all stakeholders across the MedTech landscape.

Warm regards,

Harjit Gill,
Chief Executive Officer

Our Mission

The APACMed mission is to improve the standards of care for patients through innovative collaborations among stakeholders to jointly shape the future of healthcare in Asia Pacific. The APACMed mission is patient centric and calls for new creative partnerships among key stakeholders in the healthcare and medical technology ecosystem. Our key stakeholders include but are not limited to clinicians, governments, regulators, payers, healthcare providers, patient advocacy associations and academia.

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